Homework 4: Teamwork
Do you love your project/game. If not, how can that be changed?
I think love is a strong word, however I am enjoying the creation process. I do wish we could be building more then just talking about the game, however I blame that more on the restrictions of learning the tools (blender) then actual incompetence on the part of the team.
Does the team as a whole love the project? If not, what can be done?
I believe everyone enjoys working on it, however, I have have no real way of knowing, and they tell me they enjoy it (although they could be just saying that). If anything could be improved, I think it would be a more tangible result to our planing processes would help.
Are the team members communicating with each other?
Some of the team members are communicating very efficiently, while others are not as good. we have some people who have not been consistently keeping tabs with the activity, and as such, I think their input is dwindling, which may be causing frustration.
Does the team have a regular meeting schedule? What is that schedule?
wednesday afternoons. usually around 330 or so
Describe the modes of communication between the team members.
Facebook is used for messages, and Google drives are used for information and data storage
Regarding game documents, what must be remembered while designing your game?
the book says it is that the game document is meant for communication and memory, however I would also think it has the purpos of having all information that serves as the biases for every aspect, be it design or technical. in other words, It needs to have the "mission statement" of the game