Tuesday, October 8, 2013

homework 9

The first aspect of balance, fairness, is unfortunately a bit hard to quantify: we want the player to have a reasonable chance of success, but you do not want to have it so easy they succeed with no challenge. The harder the challenge, the higher the sense of fear, however To much and they get frustrated and quit. This feeds into the second balance time, but we will probably shoot for a continuous, I'll be it high, difficulty curve.

While we are going to have some choices present, we do want to have the illusion of not having much choice, therefore upping adrenaline and fear. Ultimately, the choice will mostly be run or attack obstacles. while run can give you security in the short term, eliminating a threat can give you access to areas later

Hopefully, the majority of the game will be mental challenges, so skill will be applied most. Strictly speaking, there is some cooperation with NPC's, but the majority of the game will be competing with the environment itself. the monsters, the puzzles, and the fog are all enemies in the field, but none of them are really anything beyond the game crunching numbers. 

If we have time, I would prefer a long game, but restrictions of time and resources may cause it to be much shorter. over all, we are looking at a goal of 5 hours of game play, but I will be satisfied if we can get 2 in by the end of this semester. The rewards will mostly be progression into new areas, as well as progression of the story. For the most part, punishments only comprised of game overs should your character die, which will send you back to the beginning of the level, or the sanctuary, depending on the context.

The game will appear to be controlled and complex, what with the fog closing in at all times as well as the lack od sight leading to complex impresions, but it will be an illusion, whereas it will actually be quite free and simple. mostly the game will beThere will be implied depth a lot, however using the players imagination, we will make it appear bigger than it actually is

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